
Make your own tofu

Guided activity

Buy your tickets
July 7 to August 25 2024
3 p.m. - 4 p.m.
4101, rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal, QC Canada
H1X 2B2

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Two millennia ago, the Chinese were already making doufu. A thousand years later, Buddhist monks brought this food to Japan, where it was named tofu. In the West, circa 1850, Chinese immigrants traveling through the American West during the Gold Rush were using tofu. They then shared the recipe all over the continent.

Tofu can be prepared in many ways. Its taste, bland at first, is transformed endlessly as it takes on the flavour of the foods it accompanies. Pureed, grilled, smoked, frozen or fresh, it has myriad uses—from appetizer to dessert. It is a healthy food, rich in proteins and iron and low in carbohydrates and cholesterol-free, which is now prized by vegetarians worldwide.

Our workshop will immerse you in this thousand-year culinary tradition. Come and learn how to make this soft, white paste with a taste that reflects the “neutrality” sought out by the Chinese Taoist philosophy.

  • This activity is held every Sunday from July 7 to August 25.
  • Duration: 60 minutes

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