
Researchers' Night


Buy your tickets
November 15 2024
6 p.m. - 12 a.m.
160, chemin Tour-de-l'Isle
Île Sainte-Hélène
Montréal, QC Canada
H3C 4G8

Opening Hours | Directions | Rates

Explore cutting-edge research in a vibrant atmosphere!

Espace pour la vie invites you to the 5th edition of Researchers’ Night, a not-to-be-missed event that celebrates research and breaks down barriers between scientists and the public!

In a casual setting, come and meet over a hundred researchers from fields as varied as biology, health, participatory sciences, social sciences, and astronomy.

Throughout the evening, immerse yourself in a myriad of opportunities for encounters and discoveries: interactive demonstrations, one-to-one exchanges, mini-conferences, and many other surprises await you...

Musical entertainment and refreshments available for purchase on-site.

This year, the celebration will take place simultaneously at the Biodôme, the Planétarium, and the Musée de la Nature et des Sciences de Sherbrooke.

Stay tuned: the full program will be unveiled this fall, and tickets will be on sale starting in October.

About Researchers’ Night

Inspired by the success of the European Researchers’ Night, held for over 15 years in more than 300 cities in Europe (including 16 in France), Espace pour la vie has launched a North American edition of this renowned event in 2019.

Researchers’ Night is an initiative of Espace pour la vie and an intermuseal collaboration between the Biodôme, the Biosphère, the Insectarium, the Jardin botanique, the Planétarium, the Musée de la santé Armand-Frappier, the Musée de la Nature et des Sciences de Sherbrooke and the Musée de l’ingéniosité J. Armand-Bombardier.

What to See and Do

Showtimes at the Planétarium Showtimes at the Planétarium

Space for Life Foundation