
Penguin feeding time

Guided activity

Buy your tickets
March 1 to May 31 2024
11 a.m. / 2:45 p.m.
English : 3 to 5 minutes
French : 3 à 5 minutes
4777, avenue Pierre-De Coubertin
Montréal, QC Canada
H1V 1B3

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Discover some interesting facts from a science educator about the life of penguins, the features of their Sub-Antarctic Islands ecosystem, the species that live there, and the threats that endanger these animals and their marine environment.

Penguins that we can help protect

Learn about concrete actions you can take to help protect this ecosystem, including how to counter climate change—an issue that is affecting the food searching habits of many penguin species.

Enjoy a unique interactive moment during the penguins' feeding time.

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